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Via, do you have a response to these allegations? It's probably fake but why would they fake it?


>If you want more details, feel free to reply to this email and contact me on der'cord at soyak.party
If OP is the mail sender, send the full thing if SPVA responded


The problem with this screenshot is that it came from a shoally user trying to send in """proof""" that Via is le 'cord.


Meaning, OP isn't the email sender


He was fired from the shemmy staff under the pretext of being a soyjak.colony member, which is unlikely as he hates degenerates judging by his activity on this site. I wouldn't be surprised if the screenshots of him in the coalony are real, but having spied on the afterparty myself, I have to say that simply being in the server does not make him a member. He would also have to post some messages to be allowed in, because if colony is anything like afterparty they will try to filter out spies. If simply being there and not actually participating in anything is enough to be a colonypedo, then by that standard yazrii(the guy who doxxed Cecefem) must be a tlc loving tranny because of how many BNWO servers he was in.
I would also like to note that in the screenshot here you can see the full message at the bottom was cropped out, and it appears to be a soyquote. For all we know he was quoting bu5t with a hanging troonjak or something, quite the opposite of "associating with a pedophile", but of course they omitted the full thing.




he prob banned some tranime niggers and they didn't like it lol

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