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/g/ - Generals

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>8hrs+ screen time
>no regular exercise
>no healthy diet with all the nutrients you need
Do you have one of these?


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i have all of these except for junk food because im not a fat fuck


Fixable easily if you have all the others tbh, go to any sort of hobby or social event or whatever and the only thing that can fail you is being too nervous.
Try to take up some of that unspent energy with sport, put your testosterone into physicality instead of sex drive and porn. As your physical fitness increases, so will your self image, and as your self image increases so will your pride and you will begin to feel a need for achievement and resent doing unproductive things all day.


I hate people and have never had an in person relationship that has ended well for me


But what if you hit the jackpot and meet another chuddy IRL?


> No sport
> Porn
> Junk food
thats my heckin losererald


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This will be your before and after transformation inshallah


Missed opportunity to make his feet pig hooves doe


Evendoe it should be cow hooves because he’s a 100% American beef Big Mac

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