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File: 1710369928188-0.png (309.77 KB, 846x1080, ImpishLars.png)

File: 1710369928188-1.png (149.72 KB, 512x512, ClipboardImage.png)


I've tried doing this previously (and failed because I had no clue what I was doing). But I think we should set up a 'fortess sever OR alternatively we go just go, equip 'swin sprays and projectors and just join on the 'arty's 'fortress server to advertise the site.


sure post the ip or whatever if its ready


>(and failed because I had no clue what I was doing)
I still don't know what I am doing, couldn't even get it up


dont u have to like pay or something


Yeah I think thats what happened


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File: 1726168355359-3.png (103.07 KB, 300x169, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm thinking about renting out a sever, should I? Or would most of you niggas not care? I think tf2 is fun and appealing to many but I've heard other opinions regarding this game on this site. I also want to use this server to host some fun but obscure community maps like:
>pd_el vvis

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