R: 5 / I: 0
For some reason, thoughts about cutting my genitals off, however I'm never going to do this as I plan to have children of my own some day, I want to a father and a good man. So Im going to take my meds on a regular basis, stop looking at pornography and wait for these thoughts to disappear. These thoughts will probably disappear in about a week.
<Rant about trannies below
God I hate everything about trannies. Xhey're so fucking delusional. Honestly we need TTD. I hate how my generation willing supports this "movement" letting xhem either indulge in xheir fantasies and refuse to confront the real issue, which is xheir mental illness. The fact that anyone actually thinks that mutilating xhemselves will actually fix anything is moronic. The fact that anyone actually thinks that the high suicide rate amongst xheir population is because people don't support xhem is stupid. And the thing that pisses me off the most is people willing refuse to have children because xhey think the world is going to end, fucking ridiculous. Immaculation is in my opinion the equivalent to a lobotomy. Trannies aren't human. I am a man, and that will never change. Normality is being demonized an I will not take part in that.