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new 'toss
24 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i personally didn't post any lars pics but i have already experienced beforehand how fucking arbitrary the booru jannies are

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Swinny bot: a bot to 'catty wipe the shemalie -Holobot (made by aftershitty) with a related image

==SET UP==
also images are examples of catty wiping
I'm too dumb to do it myself
fuck the aftershitty
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


It'll be LE GOOD when we do it doe


marge why is there a folder called mac os x


i guess it will make some of them sperg out because a different flavor of spam is coaling up the 'log, but they're always sperging at something anyway, you know?


I use Mac and for some reason pixeldrain includes that hidden folder

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 No.33[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As you have probably noticed, we have recently incurred a raid by soygem.party. Some have suggested simply brute-force raiding them back, but this is untenable due to the fact that the shemale userbase/mod team is majority /bant/ 4cuck immigrants, meaning they are terminally online and will simply sweep up any raid not done with botnets.

The solution?

Flood the catty with stealthjaks implanted into commonly spammed images. For example, editing a transparent Lars into the background of mameson, feraltroon jak, a tranime girl one of them is obsessed with, any coal that's shemale culture. Do this on any board, especially on /qa/.
This will lead to one of three outcomes:
1. We successfully perpetrate a stealthraid and fill the catty with hidden Lars
2. Jannies have to spend hours autistically inspecting every image for possible stealthjaks
3. Jannies start banning the legitimate users who spam cordjaks or obsess over a certain tranime girl, which is a massive win for us because it will greatly improve the soysphere.

Any questions?
122 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1713681723763.gif (5.33 MB, 364x255, 1710260240363.gif)

Xhey legit said
>Xheir post in question:


File: 1713682064612.jpg (35.9 KB, 680x713, cobwine.jpg)

that might actually be viable, nigga.
>mindbroken over anime
>cute girls
>did your pecker get hard?
>is your clitty leaking?
>let people enjoy things
>miserable piece of shit
>have sex incel
I will add this. In 2 weeks or something.


>mindbroken over anime
<I'm gooning ~nya!
>cute girls
<handsome men
>did your pecker get hard?
<Finger me daddy!!!
>is your clitty leaking?
<Stop!!! You're making my clitty leak ~nya!
>let people enjoy things
>miserable piece of shit
<I'm sooo lonely ~nya! X(
>have sex incel
<I'm coping with being a virgin


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>reddit 2.png
'ealth 'em

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Sharty recently had a really big dox go down. How ever if 'teens end up doing nothing with it, it would be a good opportunity for to gain notoriety.
NAME: Robert Ford Fox
BORN: October 11, 1991 (Age 32)
ALIASES: Robert F. Fox, Robert Fox, Toby Fox, Radiation, FwugRadiation
PHONE NUMBER: (603) 647-9125
ADDRESS: 15 E Springfield St, Unit 5, Boston, MA 02118
PAST ADDRESSES: Po Box 4820, Boston, MA 02212
250 Harrison St, Manchester, NH 03104
480 Parker St, Boston, MA 02115
Andrew Fox(36), Barbara Fox(69), James Fox(39), Joyce Fox(101), Kenneth Fox(29), Robert Fox(74), Calvin Fox(100), Douglas Fox(68), Garry Fox(54) and Garry Fox(71)
ALMA MATER: Northeastern University
SOURCES: https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/robert-fox_id_G6387039454028935013
43 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it's also linked to feds, congratulations, you got the glowies are notice.


Proof doe?
I get it can look into government watch lists and criminal records, but it is based in America so that information would be publicly available anyway, must notibly to employers


Up for Sharty arrivals


<Flood somehow???

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 No.208[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As our first major independent op, we should dox the creator of Love Web- Shadok who is french-
You WILL come through search.0t.rocks for information
<Repost below
Something awful (pun not intended) is gaining popularity.
Muh heckin’ Internet history is next on the trooning block, and the implications could be devastating. While we can’t stop fringe 2007/2008 4cvck greentext storytime TTS LARPers on YouTube from shitting things up (they’ve been around for years and to be honest are just kidslop), we may have the opportunity to stop this one at the source, so it can never spread its cancer.

The “webseries” consists of “education” about random shit no one cares about. The stuff it teaches is only kept online by sites like ED, because the oldCHADs there get their granny panties in a twist over ancient GNAA IRC floods or whatever the fuck. Now, you may be asking, why would trannies care about what people were posting when they were learning to walk? The answer to that, of course, is because it is the logical progression from “old web aesthetic” chinktok ogling.
Now, you may ask why I care about preserving muh heckin’ old Internet culture. A reasonable thing to say, but the simple truth is that I don’t really, and my fellow ‘teens don’t really, either. It’s more about the precedent it would set. Rather, Soyjak party wouldn’t exist without mootle, 4chan, old memes from last Thursday, we can’t have these men steal that, too.
My final justification is this, simply this: trannies have stolen the present from us, and even they hate it! Why would they long for the past?! But trannies, they have stolen the present, but that was their choice, so may we prevent them: they will not steal the past, and let that let them know…
they will never steal the future.
180 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




idk man, we gonna need to narrow it down.
let me check that city


Any updates


Can’t find a white pages for the city Angers, idk that site is really weird to use


(Archive this as it shall not be lost to time)

On march 3rd tensions between the splintergroups and an unknown board that will reveal its face soon will escalate

The party will be the first to go down along with the jarty

Soygem will follow only hours later and scars contingency plan will activate

The dox splinter(s) will be the last to go down and put up a good fight

‘Teens will gather in their bunkers and war will rampage for exactly 3 days followed by 9 days of peace between all boards

Then on the 14th day a governmental entity will reveal itself and the real war will start

Admins will be doxxed ‘teens arrested and Ip’s compromised but from the ruins of this great attack a new single and united board will rise
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>woah guys this prophetic prediction is just like Dr. Sausagemcmuffin from McDonaldsarvel

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give me janny


send an application to [email protected] with why i should janny you, and also your preferred username and passcode in case i do make you a janny

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