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/q/ - Meta

Talk about the site, make suggestions, complain about jannies, something like that yeah
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submit your best banners here
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Face Paint Banner

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Give me suggestions for improvements here, anything goes as long as its not against the rules
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the cuckflare is there to stop DDoS not spam which can be done without posting, however i can probably increase the time

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complain about jannies and rules and shiet
if you were banned you're allowed to evade to post on this thread as long as the post doesn't break the rules again
also, I am expecting fresh outsider attacks soon, so send janny applications to [email protected]
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I am the guy who beats up to death with bat.

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add all the boards from the sharty and then shill immediately
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check on the site now, it’s real and it fucking sucks
now every normal board has to share with the users of pol


Well we have a lot of removed boards already but I don’t want to create a /pol/ or /int/ for spics jeets and Filipinos to argue about who’s more white


Anyway, use this thread to suggest any boards other than /pol/ and /int/ that you want added, I’ll consider them


We are still waiting for /biz/

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Should we create our own wiki and booru? This is important for the future of swinny
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I mostly just do up keep on our wikipage at this point, however so little has happened site wise. If I can't even think of anything to add to our own page (plus Sultan said it needed to be rewritten)- I don't think we even need a wiki yet, though I have been thinking about the spin we could put on pre-existing Sharty wiki pages. Maybe when I have a job again and have money- I'll consider setting up a wiki if none of the other devs beat me to it.


I'd say the only value there is in us rewriting sharty wiki pages is in presenting a different view on sharty administration, but the current wiki already features anti-frootism, anti-rootism, anti-dollism, etc. so even that's unnecessary.
Of course the wiki holds a negative stance on splinters, but then again it's understandable because they're really not necessary(apart from being a haven for banned users like the shemmy is, at which point it might as well be a unique site altogether) if you can just get better people to run the main site. I just don't think that will ever happen due to how nepotistic sharty administration has been ever since Soot sold it.


Kooooot do this


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erm xister did you even read my hecking paragrahp explanation? >>346

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can we delete >>>/raid/625? apparently it was a falsedox (https://wiki.soyjak.party/index.php?title=Swedishwin.com&oldid=99140#Helloburp_dox)


When I'm on a device that remembers my password I'll do it



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We should register a redirect or a mirror at some point and this post gave me the perfect idea for it: www.muttwin.com


Or something to that effect


why doe? i see no reason



ye just write "swedish win.com" instead

pretty sure it doesn't get censored with a space


Albeit it gets jewoogle'd


dumping my shit folder


Moved to >>>/soy/5380.

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make a 'iki already

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or should I keep it open to the public for le transparency or whatever
theres no security issue with this btw, stuff like what 'p filters im going to add will just be discussed in noticeboard or dev session channel
>even though we need to have our own private discord board or whatever




yes for what thoughever


privating it retard

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How do i apply to become a janny


Send an email

[email protected]

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I’m on trip nigga I was in the car for like 6 hours




wdym sorry
I’m gonna add it soon tm


ok i added it yesterday and i think the icon changed

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make the home page be like the sharty's doe make the recent posts column's height larger to make the stats column be symmetric with the recent images column's height
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what the fuck happened here, doe by thumb i mean the icon. also make recent images, recent posts and stats the class as ban. remove the dots doe. doe use my text since the new one is gay




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ideally, it should look like this. the icon being 160px big, the /raid/ board being called exactly "Raid: SHADOW LEGENDS" not just nu"RAID - SHADOW LEGENDS". imagine the boards in the about box are in the middle and links and the word rules being linked and the x being the amount of posts. doe make recent images, latest posts, stats the same class as "ban" like the about box so themes don't get broken


ideally, patch the themes to include the new classes

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So… When are we getting custom themes?




add all the themes from vichan's repo


some day…


Dr. Yarchi give us 'P filters
Save my eyes from trooncord disgrace


Better filter that accounts for spaces and dashes will be added when I am back from vacation(or I can tell yar to do it)

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instead of being an email class, make sage its own class, fix SAGE! being " SAGE!" also make the text color of sagefags be #EE88BC because it's the opposite of the default green
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Or just remove SAGE! entirely


remove SAGE! and the way to identify sagefags is the opposite of the default name color


Isn’t it already like that(test)


Oh yar added a SAGE! thing, it’s just name color change by default.

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