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/dd/ - Dungeons and Dragons

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File: 1710676599923.png (7.32 MB, 6830x3035, Migard1.png)


Okay, I've made this world map with few nations.

Here is synopsis.

900 Years After Hitler Lost, the world has gone to control of ZOG. Zionist Occupied Government controls most of country, most people are mutts. The mutts have ravaged and conquered lands across the land exterminated most of populace. It is post-apocalyptic world in dakrgrim fantasy. Only few bastions of civilization remain far in between.

The map editor is availabile here https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/

Oh, and you can't play as 'le bad guys (mutts).

The file for it is underneath, gem' it up. My PC practically broke from loading shit on it. Since humans are considered one race, technically chuds, markiplieres, 'jaks are all one and the same. So, avoid making soyjak nations (except subvariant feraljak is fine)

13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Also skaven and orcs do kill each other constantly for little to no reason (just like niggers)



mr ponyfag boorunigger do this idk how to DM


File: 1712782219240.png (110.07 KB, 395x748, poopydrawfag.png)

when i have the free time, yes

File: 1711317163555.png (67.83 KB, 800x800, 58452 - SoyBooru.png)


https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9biqi5hvja4z49ub36h8a/h?rlkey=cgxtcmhkg7gc0cai7k9uwowg9&dl=0 new map update.
factions added.
new races:
Froot People

>you must upload an image


File: 1711328428762.png (460.92 KB, 1000x1000, GHTLfnUXkAADdwU.png)

>no ponies or whatever



entfolk (insect people)
final races i've added.


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>mfw 2 d&d groups are forming


get in da prep thread boorunigger

File: 1710959553974.png (28.66 KB, 1500x1500, 1708906178485.png)


Does anybody else masturbate to Planescape Torment?


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Po stedit ag ainaw ard

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where the fuck is roleplay thread arent you incels?


idk how to run DnD nigga if you want a game set it up




File: 1710641900360.png (593.25 KB, 1920x1912, 61976 - SoyBooru.png)

Dice rollRolled 3

sure but i am not avergage game master. if you're gonna play my game, things will be gemmier.


i am making new thread soon i was working on sm.

File: 1708666506766.png (Spoiler Image, 440.32 KB, 1000x1233, Wall streat beds.png)


stock market/diceroll board
26 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.






Dice rollRolled 4



Dice rollRolled 2

are you saying no one will know whether i rolled 6 or 4 or 1?

File: 1710296025595.jpg (46.91 KB, 1300x975, 02_grape02_v01.jpg)


test!!! testy
68 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1710299279552.png (53.65 KB, 723x770, ack5.png)

>i think some character designs are coo-ACK!


File: 1710299338258.jpeg (23.62 KB, 680x658, giga arann.jpeg)

>>i think some character designs are coo-ACK!


the flood thing seems to be catching soyquotes, it's probably more of a "similar" thing than an "exactly the same post" thing, gonna change that


File: 1710299725064.png (220.51 KB, 715x895, gigapipe.png)

>the flood thing seems to be catching soyquotes, it's probably more of a "similar" thing than an "exactly the same post" thing, gonna change that

File: 1710295832990.png (2.15 MB, 1919x977, chuddnd.png)


epic style it works

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let me post you nigggller

File: 1708906178485.png (28.66 KB, 1500x1500, Morte_Rictusgrinjak.png)


Does anybody else masturbate to Planescape Torment?

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