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/soy/ - Gemeralds

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File: 1713909350010.png (223.24 KB, 1221x834, MameACK.png)


ITT we take forced brimstone and turn xhem into slopjaks (ie distoring xhem beyond comprehension)




I had a mameson slopjak ready but the site crashed so I lost it


Yeah Make all shemale culture slopjak


File: 1713919483581.png (Spoiler Image, 569.81 KB, 2939x3645, maesondust.png)

actually spam this on da shemmy log tho


The reactions might be gemmy


File: 1713922759170.png (51.4 KB, 254x219, feralover.png)

it's a rapeson edit, but are you sure that this will keep our own reputation up despite the seethe this might cause among shemales






ermmmm what the sigma


Yeah, don't spam that- we need to be better than the Shoally. And spamming 'orn is a 'corder's move.


Make it more niggerbleit


Pricel isn't a slopjak yet


File: 1714142680090.png (2.59 KB, 205x60, ClipboardImage.png)

>mameson was approved on the 'ru
I got an idea


why is mameson even classed a variant its a subvariant of catjak


>Shemale's favorite variant is a subvariant of a 'cordjak
Do shemales really?


File: 1714150207162.png (914.54 KB, 1221x834, slop.png)

I did it.
Who should we slop next?
And what should I add?
(Ignored pedoflag- will add later)


we should turn common avatars into slopjaks, like sude girl or TCOAL leyley. it would be vantablack niggerstone but the funny kind


File: 1714446959646.png (406.47 KB, 1170x1558, ClipboardImage.png)

found this on the 'party


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